What to do if I forgot the word I want to say in the IELTS Speaking Test?

Some people, particularly non-native English speakers, are left dumbfounded when they listen to native English speakers speak. The fluency when they speak is so good that a lot are somehow mesmerized. Since English has becoming a language more and more people are using, many non-native English speakers study the language for personal and professional growth. Knowing how to use and speak the English language is beneficial most especially in finding a good job overseas.

Different companies and institutions overseas offer great career opportunities to Filipinos. Whether it is a job or for education, Filipinos are willing to take this chance of getting a better life overseas. Filipinos have to understand that working overseas have a great deal of requirements to be submitted and one of these is passing the International English Language Testing System examination or the IELTS test.

Among the four sections of the test, most candidates are apprehensive with the speaking section of the test. Since it is a one-on-one interview, candidates worry that they might not be able to respond clearly to the questions being asked on the test. Furthermore, there is a fear among candidates that they will forget what they want to say while speaking. If this happens, how should candidates handle the situation?

Stay calm. Most candidates panic and they end up finishing their responses without a complete thought. If you forget something you want to say, stay calm and breathe.

Find a synonym or an expression similar to what you want to say. It is totally acceptable to use other words in expressing your ideas. This might even better the context of the response.

Avoid using fillers. Fillers work fine but you have to limit the usage of such. Instead, use the following expressions; you can say, “what I mean is that”, “what I am trying to say is”, or “in other words”.

Avoid repeating the sentence you are trying to construct. Just continue speaking.

Come to the test prepared. The key in being familiar with the course of the speaking test is by attending review classes for the speaking. With speaking coaches, candidates will be trained on how to deal with speaking interview situations. They will be taught with techniques on how to listen carefully to the questions and responding to these questions appropriately.

Being nervous for a test is common, yet this feeling can be overcome. To be ready for the test, one must undergo training for the IELTS speaking and be exposed in the usage of the English language. The more the candidate is exposed to opportunities where he or she can speak English, the higher the chance in getting a good score in the speaking exam.

Get more tips IELTS Tips here www.ieltsexamstips.com

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