Why do Employers Require All Employees to have an IELTS Certificate?

Every university student’s dream is to graduate from the university and find a good job. Most students take their studies seriously that they allot more time with their books than socializing with friends. Many achievers prefer to be home on a weekend and get good grades in school. A good scholastic standing means a better job opportunity as soon as they step out from the realms of the university.
source: www.bowlesrice.com

After four or five years in the university, these young professionals are out on the hunt to find jobs that will provide them the experience that they need and of course, money. Though there are a lot of jobs here in the Philippines, many are still persuaded to leave the country and try their lucks in different institutions overseas. Indeed, working overseas means better salary packages and a great opportunity to have your family with you while working abroad.

In the Philippines today, a good number of working professionals are preparing their requirements to work in companies in English speaking countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and even the United States of America. These countries have a variety of job opportunities where Filipinos are highly needed because of their dedication to their work and their skills. However, most English speaking companied require an English proficiency examination. This examination is the IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination.

Why do employers need the IELTS certification?

First, employers need to be sure that their employees can understand and use the English language. It would be tough if employees give instructions to their workers and these workers will just look at them blankly, dumbfounded.

Second, employers want productivity from their companies. If the worker can speak English, he or she will not have a hard time understanding his or her duties. Thus, this worker can work effectively and will result to productivity in the workplace.

Finally, employers have to be sure that there will be good communication between them and their workers. The employees will be able to talk to them, communicate with them while working in the company. If they can speak English, they will be able to speak with other employees and promote a good working environment. Further, these people will not find any problem communicating with people right outside work.

Employers require IELTS not only for their benefits but also for the applicants themselves. Their productivity and success not only lies in the company but also with their day to day activities outside their offices.  For Filipinos, reviewing for the IELTS will not be difficult since they can speak the language quite well, and they have a lot of IELTS review centers to help them pass the test. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for interesting article!
    P.S. Если тут кто русскоговорящий есть, могу поделиться подборкой советов по подготовке к IELTS в pdf. Вот http://www.mbastrategy.ru/pdf_ielts/
