Individuals need to communicate every single day of their lives. It is through communication that we are able to share ideas and express emotions to the people around us. Daily conversation and dialogues complete our lives. Hence, is it safe to say that people are already comfortable in talking with other people? For some, it could be true but for some, there is anxiety felt when speaking in front of other people. This type of situation is commonly seen in interviews or speaking examinations like in the International English Language Testing System examination.
The IELTS speaking examination is a one-on-one interview with a native English speaker. Many are not comfortable and feel nervous with this test that it is common for this people to experience stuttering. Stuttering is a condition wherein an individual has difficulty in having a normal flow of speech characterized by prolong or repeated sounds and even words. Once a person stutter, communication is affected. Some stutter due to a medical speech condition while some experience it because of nervousness or anxiety. For IELTS candidates, most of them experience stuttering because of the feeling of fear to commit a mistake, embarrassment of their English skills and even frustration if they feel that they are not giving the right answer during the examination. These contribute to stuttering.
Can stuttering affect the score of the candidate?
Looking at the assessment points of the speaking exam where clarity is a factor, stuttering may contribute to a low score in the exam. Once a person stutters, words do not come out clearly and the interviewer might assess an inability of the candidate to speak fluently. Some say that stuttering cannot affect the score; however, there are instances where responses are so inaudible that interviewers find answers confusing.
Stuttering is normal but can be avoided. Here are some ways how one can avoid stuttering during the IELTS examination.
1. Prepare for the exam through constant drills and exercises. Getting used to speaking with varied topics makes one comfortable in speaking.
2. Have a speaking partner. Make sure your partner can comment on your response and your delivery of the response.
3. Build strong vocabulary makes responses better. You will not have a hard time thinking what to say because you know exactly the right words to express.
This condition can be avoided through the tips mentioned. Generally speaking, what candidates have to do is to take a lot of speaking exercises to be familiar with the test. The IELTS speaking test should not stress the candidate. Indeed, candidates can experience cold feet but with enough preparation, candidates are sure to get a good score in the speaking test.
If you are planning to take IELTS go here
Great insights on how stuttering can impact IELTS scores. It's reassuring to know that test-takers with speech difficulties aren’t automatically penalized. Finding the right IELTS Tuition can definitely help build confidence and fluency.