Useful Expressions for TOEFL Writing and Speaking

The TOEFL test is a test of English proficiency which assesses a candidate based on the needs of the academe. This means that it does not only look into the accuracy Grammar and the use of words when expressing, the TOEFL also considers what we call coherence. These means that relationships between and among ideas are explicit. This can also mean that ideas flow smoothly into one another.
Cohesion can be achieved with the use of transition words and phrases. Here are common expressions used to create a smooth exposition for writing and speaking. They are grouped according to use.
1.       Enumeration of Ideas
First, second, last            Another               Also

“There are several reasons for near-normal occurrence of flooding in Metro Manila. First, the drainage systems are blocked off by trash. Another reason is the ineffective flood control projects. Lastly, there is the questionable budget use when it comes to flood control programs.”

2.       Chronology of events
After                     Before                  During                  While                  

Before the water rises, it would be prudent for the local government to suspend classes, especially for children. Suspending work after students and employees have gone to schools and workplaces would only expose them further to the dangers of heavy rains. During one of the worst flooding in 2009, the Ondoy, this was what happened. Government suspended classes and work while people were already in the middle of what they were doing. As a result, many people were stranded.

3.       Cause and Effect
Because               as a result           so           due to                   consequentially

“Because the storm intensified the monsoon, the metro experienced severe flooding.”
“There are problems in check and balance. As a result, it was quite easy for corrupt officials to steal the people’s money.”

4.       Presenting contradicting ideas
Even though                      Although                             But                         Despite

Even though there are measures to prevent flooding and address its effects, these measures will be useless if not funded properly.”
“The government has issued a mandatory evacuation order, but the people in flood-prone areas refused to leave their homes.”
5.       Concluding ideas through summarization
In conclusion                     To summarize                   To wrap it all up              

“In conclusion, there are three primary reasons for the improvement of disaster management: to deliver to the people the quality service their money funded, to prevent destruction of property, and to prevent the loss of lives.”

These transition words are very important in creating a smooth transition of ideas, which is a criteria in the writing and speaking part of the TOEFL. Use them well. There are a lot more words and phrases that you can use. Ask your teacher about them.

Good luck!

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