IELTS Review Tips for the Dummies

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination has been one of the most popular English proficiency examinations today. Different non-native English speakers have been taking review classes to perfect their English for the examination. This examination is mostly needed in visa applications for work, study, and even immigration to English speaking countries.

In the Philippines, the number of individuals being scheduled for the exam has been increasing over time. This is a clear example of how Filipinos are eager to work or study overseas. With the number of opportunities available abroad, this number is sure to double in the coming years.

However, Filipinos should not take the IELTS examination lightly. A huge amount of preparation is suggested. Here are some review tips for the first time candidates and for retakers.

1. Know what the IELTS is. The first thing candidate for the IELTS must do is to have background knowledge of the examination. Learn about the different modules of the test, the sections that it has and how the test is evaluated. As a candidate, it is your responsibility to know the test so you can prepare well for it.
2. Improve your vocabulary. Vocabulary skills are not only needed in the reading section. It is much more important in speaking and writing sections. Responses – both oral and written – should be delivered with the right words to effectively express what’s on your mind. It is a showcase of how well you can create responses using appropriate words and phrases.
3. Listen to different English accents. American, British and Australian accents are commonly used in the IELTS; hence, expose yourself to materials that use these accents.
4. Find a speaking partner. A speaking partner will help you practice English conversations. Find someone who can give you suggestions on how you can better yourself at speaking.
5. Have a writing journal. Write things that you do in a day. It is like keeping a record of your daily activities, but writing everything in complete sentences.
6. Watch English movies. A guide in improving not only your vocabulary but confidence in English is watching movies. Observe how people use words in dialogues that make it more expressive.
7. Study grammar. A good speaking response and essay have great grammar usage. This is usually taken for granted; thus, candidates should give time in reviewing the English grammar.
8. Have breaks when studying. After a couple of hours studying, take a 15 minute break. Give your mind the chance to recharge and digest everything you learned.
9. Do practice tests. There are mock tests available online. In addition, candidates can also purchase review manuals for the exam.
10. Enrol in an IELTS review centers. With teachers to guide through the course, candidates will be lead to understand techniques and strategies for the IELTS exam.

You do not have to be a know-it-all to be prepared for the IELTS. The tips mentioned above are simple and easy to do. Try it and see good results with your IELTS.

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