Why You Should Not Overlook the IELTS Listening Test

There are a lot of skills to be developed in learning the English language. One of them is our listening skills. It is with the listening skills that we understand spoken English. We are able to communicate well and respond appropriately if we heard talks clearly and understand them. We listen to music and understand what the lyrics mean. We watch English movies and develop the understanding of idioms and how people use expressions in conversations. Indeed, the listening skill is integral in learning the English language. This importance heightens when one needs to take an English proficiency examination like the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test.

The IELTS listening test is the first part of the exam. The candidate is given 30 minutes to complete the test which consists of four different sections with a total number of 40 questions.

The first section is a conversation between people about an everyday social situation. This can be a tour in a museum or a person booking a reservation in a hotel or a flight. Following the first section is a monologue in a social context. This can be an introduction before a seminar or a tour guide giving instructions to tourists in a zoo. The third is a conversation among people in an educational or training context. This can be a group discussion on a project or a professor discussing something with a group of students. Finally, the fourth section is a monologue on an academic subject. For example, a professor will be discussing a topic on biology or a teacher explaining historical events.

As a candidate for the IELTS test, it is important to know the different types of questions that will be used in the exam. Here are the following:

Short answers
Sentence completion
Table/diagram/chart completion
Matching type

For someone taking the IELTS, knowing what the question types are is vital in the test. Through this, you will be able to know what to expect during the exam. You will be able to learn some strategies in finding the correct answer for such questions. Not only that, it is also important to know some helpful tips to have a successful and good score in the IELTS test.

1. Read the questions before listening to the audio. Try to be familiar with what the questions need you to find in the passage. Scan through the questions and get key words that will serve as hints as you listen to the audio recording.

2. Check your spelling. Most of the time, names of people, address and even cities are spelled out. Listen carefully and write as what you have heard. Numbers can also be confusing so better be familiar with audio recordings that involve numbers being mentioned.

3. Be familiar with Australian, British and American accents. These are accents used in the listening. Exposing yourself with audio recordings from these accents can help you distinguish words in the audio recording. Moreover, get help with these pronunciation and accent training with IELTS review centers. These centers provide lectures on these pronunciations that are enriching and informative.

People may find the listening test as a simple note taking exam. However, reviewing and training for this section is a must. Do not be complacent with your own skills. Review, practice and be trained with coaches and mentors in review centers.

For more IELTS information you can follow this link www.ieltsexamstips.com.

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