Where To Check Your ILETS Score/Result?

The test is done. The question you probably have on your mind right now is when will the results be out Where can I check for the results or how will you receive the results. This will depend on where you took the IELTS test, whether it is with the IDP or the British Council. IELTS review centers cannot provide that information.

For those who took the test through IDP, the Test Report Form will be posted online 13 days after the day the candidate took the exam. Candidates should be reminded that the online preview cannot be used as an official confirmation of the IELTS result.

To view the results, you need to go to the website: https://results.ielts.org. Look for the appropriate date of when you took the test; fill up the form, putting in pertinent information and click search. They will stay there for 28 days.

This is the same with the British Council. The results will be out (online) in 13 days but everyone will be reminded that the results are provisional and should not consider or assume they are the final results. The procedure is similar to that of the IDP where you need to go to the British Council’s website at www.britishcouncil.org/philippines-exam-ielts-online-result.htm. Find the link leading to the results. Fill in the form with pertinent information including the date you took the test and click Search.

The official test results or the Test Report Forms (TRF) can be picked up at the testing centers, IDP or British Council or they can be mailed to your address if this is what you indicated during registration.
The centers remind that online results are not valid enough when applying to certain institutions. They will require you to present your Test Report Form and it is strongly advised that they wait for its release. 

Typically you will only receive one but if you will be migrating to Canada or the United Kingdom, two may be provided.

If you have nominated institutions, universities or companies you designated that can receive the results of your exam, the results may be sent to them on your behalf.

The TRF will give a breakdown on how you fared in the different sections with their respective band scores as well as give an overall band score (1 is the lowest, 9 is the highest). Therefore, it is important you consider the required minimum band score of the institution you want to go to see if you will be accepted.  The scores are valid for two years after which they become invalid and you need to take the test again.

There is actually no “pass” or “fail” on IELTS. The band scores only serve to identify your level of proficiency. If you fail to meet the minimum requirement, it is suggested you need to identify the areas of improvement, perhaps take a refresher course in English before retaking the test.

Read more IELTS tips here: www.ieltsexamstips.com


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  2. Hi can anyone tell me ilets remark bcz I just got result I need 4in reading but I got 3
    Listening5,Reading,writing 6,speaking 5.ehat should I do .I need 4in reading.does its gonna work they can give me 4 or not.
