Why Go Abroad?

A lot of people – especially those who are claim to be nationalistic – say that going abroad is a selfish thing to do and that it does nothing to help those who are left behind. This is a sad generalization of the situation. We all know that the Philippines’s primary product is our excellent manpower.  The truth be told, becoming an Overseas Filipino Worker has many advantages that benefit not just the OFW and the family, but the Philippines as a country as well.

Here are some reasons why you should consider going abroad, especially in countries like the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

1.    The taxes actually go somewhere. A touchy subject, given that there has not been a time where the Philippines has not had issues in misuse of public funds. In the United States, they will go after anyone who does not pay their tax correctly. Look at that certain Filipino boxer who allegedly owes the US government money! The difference is in the US (and other countries mentioned above for that matter), you can actually feel your money going into making people’s lives better instead of lining politician’s pockets.

2.       It’s an educational experience. Regardless of going abroad to study, work, or simply migrate and be with your loved ones, visiting another country means being able to immerse yourself in another culture and practice your language skills. That, in itself, is reward for going to another country.

3.       If you want the best education, the best schools are abroad. We may have UP, ADMU, La Salle, and UST which are really wonderful schools. But the United States has Harvard and Yale and the UK has Cambridge University and Oxford. The education these foreign schools can give are the best in the world, if university rankings are to be believed.

4.       You will be empowered to financially support your family and to help the country have a more stable economy. Money talks, and when it comes to revenue, OFWs have it better. The salary they earn abroad is more than what they can earn here – unless you are on the very top of the corporate ladder. And of course, such money would be helpful to keeping the Philippines.

There are so many advantages of pursuing a life overseas. Think about it. Think really hard.

Good luck!

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