Why are the IELTS and the TOEFL Requirements for Going Abroad

Many migration agencies and consultancy films require candidates going to the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada to sit something called the International English Language Test System (IELTS). If you plan on pursuing studies abroad, especially in the United States, you may be made to undergo Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL). What are these exams? As you may have deduced, these are exams for English.

Many wonder why English exams are required to go abroad, especially for us Filipinos who read English newspaper, listen to English songs, read English literature like Harry Potter, and thrive in an English-communicating Internet. Here are the top 2 reasons for your enlightenment.

1. These exams are formal, credible, and concrete proof of your English language competency. If you plan on entering a university for your master’s degree, getting a license to practice your profession in another country, or hoping to be employed as a professional or skilled worker in a country that mainly communicates in English, the reputation of your own nation’s English skills is not enough of an assurance that you are proficient in the language. This is why an exam is needed, to assure your employers and your school administrators that language will not be a problem and you can compete in the workplace or academically.

For this reason, the IELTS and the TOEFL are even required by those who administer licensure examinations for different professions. For instance, to be able to sit the NCLEX (nursing licensure exam for the US), States would either require the TOEFL or the IELTS. Before getting the Canadian nursing licensure exam, you must pass the IELTS first. For the NPTE, which is the licensure exam for Physical therapists in the United States, getting a good score on the TOEFL is a must.

2. These exams are evidence that you will be able to adjust to their culture and society. It is very important to assure the government of the country you will be going to that you will not be a liability. This means that you may be left alone and you will b able to transact and interact with their natives. This means that language should not be a barrier. The IELTS or the TOEFL is a concrete assurance that you will be able to transcend the language barriers between countries.

This is why most migrants, even spouses of citizens of a particular English communicating country, are required to take either the IELTS or the TOEFL.

Is it possible that these exams will not be a requirement? Yes. It actually depends upon policy. However, if it is required, there is no choice but to go about it and hopefully come out successful.

Good luck!

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